Fun fact: Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow has at least six Android apps and a live wallpaper in the Android Market. (Make that eight total if you count the misspelled "Tbows World.")
There's "Tim Tebow." (with a period). "Tim Tebow" (without a period). "Tim Tebow!" (because dude deserves an exclamation point). The "Tim Tebow Unofficial App." "Tim Tebow News & Stats." And our favorite (although likely a little offensive to some), "You-R-Tebow," in which your face is planted on top of the genuflecting QB's body.
That's more than a half-dozen Tim Tebow Android apps. Guess how many the wonder boy Tom Brady has? Two. And his fellow 2012 Pro Bowlers don't fare much better. Aaron Rodgers (3). Drew Brees (2). Eli Manning (1). And poor Ben Roethlisberger and Philip Rivers don't even merit a single app. (Not even a search for "meathead" turns up any results for those two.)
Yep, dude's everywhere.
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